Tatsuya Kaji | Senior Consultant
Kaji Sensei is a veteran Toyota Production System leader and logistics expert with a career spanning over three decades with Meitou, a Toyota Group transportation company specializing in the application of TPS to logistics.
He was an active participant of the All Toyota Autonomous Study Group (Jishuken) since 1996 and promoted the improvement of the logistics of domestic transport companies and the logistics of vehicle plants as the general leader of the logistics department.
Based in Gifu Prefecture, Japan, Kaji Sensei is a frequent leader of TPS study mission programs with Shinka Management.
Lean Logistics
- Toyota Production System
- Transportation network optimization
TPS application to sales
- Lean manufacturing and kaizen training
Shinka Management – Senior Consultant
Kaji Sensei regularly contributes to the Shinka Management Lean Japan Tour as a lean sensei, providing seminars and factory tour leadership, and facilitating hands-on kaizen training. Kaji Sensei is the leading authority within the company on all matters relating to lean logistics.
Meitou – General Manager
Kaji Sensei enjoyed a 30-year career with Toyota Group logistics company Meitou, rising to the role of General Manager of Head Office Sales Division and other head office functions in Toyota City. During his career he represented Meitou in Toyota’s Jishuken activities, taking on leadership of the Logistics Division for Jishuken across the Toyota Group.