Our lean consulting team caters for your unique, individual circumstances. Our lean consultants support you in developing and deploying processes, systems and leadership to address the challenges that you experience in your operating environment and to achieve your vision and goals for your company’s future.
Your people need not be lean experts to apply the right tools and develop the correct mindset around problem solving. We work with your corporate culture and language, and provide a bespoke approach to establishing business excellence appropriate to your people and priorities.
Although the tools we work with are simple, effective and sustainable, implementation is the challenge. This is where our senior lean consultants and our lean journey framework, the Shinka Management Way, add value.
Our Lean Consulting Team
Shinka Management’s lean consultants understand the true essence of lean. Our experience in lean consulting originates directly from the home of lean manufacturing – Japan.
Our approach is one that has not been affected through misinterpretation in the West. It is a proven methodology that has resulted in world-class operational excellence in thousands of organisations. Moreover, our lean consultants have extensive global experience in the application of lean manufacturing outside of Japan and understand the original language and culture in which it was developed.
Shinka Management has the ability to provide cross-functional teams of lean consultants for the full support of our clients. Our team of lean management consultants, including veteran Toyota Japan Factory Managers and Japan-trained senior consultants, have decades of experience of applying lean management innovation across industry, government and not-for-profit organizations.
We are experienced at understanding our clients’ true circumstances and pressing problems. We provide coaching and support to guide your team on its lean journey, and provide direct facilitation and project management for your more pressing and immediate problems.
For further information, contact us via the inquiry form below to discuss how our team can support your lean journey.
What do Lean Consultants do?
Lean consultants are experts in lean management, a method aimed at eliminating waste and enhancing efficiency in business processes. They identify areas of waste, devise strategies to reduce it, and implement lean principles such as Just-In-Time production and continuous improvement. Lean consultants also provide training to employees, manage changes in processes and workflows, and establish key performance indicators to measure success.
At Shinka Management, our ultimate goal is to help our clients implement and sustain a culture of continuous improvement based on lean management principles.
Gracias al apoyo de Shinka Management pudimos avanzar en la implementación de Lean Manufacturing. Más importante aún, dimos un paso más hacia el cambio cultural que queremos generar en nuestra compañía. De esta forma nuestros colaboradores están cada vez más comprometidos y focalizados en lograr mejoras de manera continua.
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Junto con Shinka Management, Rieter China alcanzó un nuevo nivel de capacidad de producción lean. Gracias a los talleres y al apoyo in situ, pudimos desarrollar a nuestro Staff con las últimas metodologías lean. El vínculo directo entre la teoría y la práctica fue el principal motor para el desarrollo exitoso de nuestro programa lean aquí en China. Nuestros equipos de producción y gestión aprendieron mucho de la amplia experiencia en gestión de la producción de Hyodo Sensei. Gracias a este apoyo, hemos implantado prácticas de mejora continua en todos los departamentos de producción, incluido un exitoso programa de oficina lean.
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Techdrill ha contratado recientemente a Shinka Management para que lleve a cabo una revisión de la producción diaria de nuestras operaciones de perforación HDD. El equipo directivo consideró muy útiles la presentación y el informe final. Esto nos ha permitido introducir medidas para resolver las ineficiencias, aumentando así la productividad.
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Nuestros Clientes
Shinka Management supports clients in over 60 countries with lean manufacturing consulting, online lean training and study tour services. Our consultants are based in Japan, USA, South America, Europe and Australia, and travel to support clients internationally.
Contact us to discuss how our team can support your lean journey.