Lean Manufacturing Special Interest Group – February 2014
Note: An event report, video and photos from this site visit can be found on the Redarc Electronics Factory Tour report page.
Ai Group Lean Manufacturing Special Interest Group Proudly supported by Shinka Management
The third gathering of the South Australian Lean Manufacturing Special Interest Group will be held on Monday the 3rd of February 2014. The meeting will focus on the implementation of lean cultures in companies and will include a site visit at Redarc Electroncics’ Lonsdale production facility and presentations from South Australian participants involved in the November 2013 Australian Industry Group Lean Japan Tour.
About the Meeting
Redarc Electronics is a South Australian success story with over 30 years experience in the research, design, development and manufacture of a range of electronic voltage converters and associated products. Shane Wreford, Production Manager and Johan Otto, SMT Supervisor will lead a site visit of Redarc Electronics’ Lonsdale production facility during the first hour of the February meeting, discussing their management philosophy, quality control initiatives and production challenges.
In November, Redarc Electronics participated in the 2013 Australian Industry Group Lean Japan Tour. Following the site visit, there will be short presentations from South Australian tour participants on their experience and learnings from the tour, which included visits to industry giants Toyota, Rinnai, Gifu Auto Body and Japan Management Association Consultants. Shane and Johan will be joined by Thinus Steyn, Managing Director of ZF Lemforder Australia, and Jeremy Hawkes, Managing Director of Bowhill Engineering, in presenting this session.
The Lean Manufacturing Special Interest Group was created to increase awareness and proficiency in continuous improvement practices amongst Australian Industry Group member companies and support staff involved in leading lean management initiatives within their organisations. The February meeting will be held at the Redarc Electronics and will be facilitated by Shinka Management. Refreshments provided.
For further background on the group, please see the Lean Manufacturing Special Interest Group overview.
RSVP to Rachel Owens (rachel.owens -at- aigroup.asn.au) or call via the Ai Group switchboard number (08) 8394 0000.