REA Group Company Visit and Japan Lean Tour Briefing – Melbourne
REA Group Company Visit and Japan Lean Tour Briefing
A briefing will be held in Richmond, Victoria on Monday 3rd of March 2014 to report on the outcomes of the Australian Industry Group lean study tour to Japan held in 2013, and to share lessons learned from the company visits held in Japan. The briefing will include a site tour at REA Group’s corporate headquarters and will be followed by a networking session over drinks.
About the Meeting
The briefing will be held on Monday the 3rd of March 2014 from 3:00pm to 6:00pm at REA Group, 678 Victoria St, Richmond.
The event will commence with an introduction from REA Group regarding their global operations and their adaption of lean manufacturing principles for the efficient development and management of their global real estate businesses. REA Group owns and operates the leading real estate and commercial property advertising sites in Australia, and, as well as international real estate advertising sites. REA employs over 500 staff globally, and its multinational portfolio of websites is visited by over 11 million unique browsers each month. The company is an outstanding Australian success story and an innovative user of lean thinking throughout their organisation.
In November, REA Group participated in the 2013 Australian Industry Group Lean Japan Tour. Following the REA Group tour, there will be presentations from Victorian tour participants on their experience and lessons learned from the lean tour, which included visits to Toyota, Rinnai, Gifu Auto Body, Chuo Malleable Iron and Japan Management Association Consultants. Presentations will be given by tour participants Greg Curcio, Improvement Support Manager of Metro Trains Melbourne, and Herry Wiputra, Head of Technology – Group Platform of REA Group.
The event will also include a short presentation from an Australian Industry Group Business Adviser regarding funding and support offerings from Enterprise Connect.
The briefings are open to all current and prospective Ai Group member companies in Victoria, and companies considering attending a future Lean Japan Tour. The briefing is expected to be of particular interest, but not limited, to organisations engaged in manufacturing and food processing.
The briefings will be facilitated by Australian Industry Group partner company Shinka Management. There is no cost for participating but RSVPs are essential and will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis. Please forward RSVPs to Paul Smith (paul.smith -at- or call via 08 8394 0005.