Lion Brewery Tour and Lean Study Tour Briefing – Brisbane
An event report and photos from this site visit can be found on the Castlemaine Perkins Brewery Tour report page.
Castlemaine Perkins Brewery Tour and Lean Study Tour Briefing
A briefing will be held in Brisbane on Wednesday 19th of February to report on the outcomes of the 2013 Australian Industry Group Lean Japan Tour and share learnings from the Japanese company visits.
Attendance at the briefing is recommended to companies considering or currently implementing lean manufacturing principles within their operations. The briefing will include a tour of Lion’s Castlemaine Perkins Brewery and an overview of their MEX (Manufacturing Excellence) journey. The briefing will be followed by a networking session over drinks.
Australian Industry Group Lean Japan Tour
The Australian Industry Group Lean Japan Tour was held during the 3rd through 9th of November in Tokyo and Nagoya. The tour has been an annual initiative of the Australian Industry Group and Shinka Management since 2007 and is designed to provide Australian and New Zealand companies with first-hand experience of the world-class application of lean manufacturing within Japanese industry.
Lean manufacturing is a production philosophy that has evolved out of practices made famous by Japanese industry over the past several decades. 15 participants from 10 organizations attended the week-long study tour and learned about the implementation of lean manufacturing and kaizen (continuous improvement) in some of Japan’s top companies. Participants experienced seminars on manufacturing trends in Japan, hands-on training at a Toyota Group lean training center, and several factory tours. Company visits included Toyota, Rinnai, Gifu Auto Body and Chuo Malleable Iron.
In addition to learning about Japanese management philosophy and productivity practices, the tour group spent the week immersed in Japanese culture, and learned about Japanese business etiquette and local food, drink, entertainment and customs.
The tour report briefings will include presentations from Queensland-based tour participants focusing on insights and lessons learned.
Lion – Castlemaine Perkins Brewery
Lion is a leading beverage and food company employing close to 7,500 people across Australia and New Zealand. The company boasts a portfolio of market-leading, household-name brands in beer, spirits, wine, milk, fresh dairy foods, juice, cheese and soy beverages.
The Castlemaine Perkins Brewery is famous for its signature Bitter Ale.
The briefing will be held on Wednesday the 19th of February 2014 from 3:00pm to 6:00pm at Lion’s Castlemaine Perkins Brewery. Please meet at the alehouse on the corner of Black and Paten Streets, Milton.
The event will commence with a site tour of the Castlemaine Perkins Brewery. The tour briefing will follow with a report on the Australian Industry Group Lean Japan Tour, including a presentation from 2013 tour participant Mark McGuinness, Manufacturing Manager of Moffat.
The event will also include a presentation from Australian Industry Group Business Adviser Stuart Kerr, regarding Enterprise Connect’s funding and support offerings.
The briefing is open to all current and prospective Ai Group member companies in Queensland, and companies considering participating in a future Lean Japan Tour.
The briefing will be facilitated by Shinka Management. There is no cost for participating. Please forward RSVPs to Paul Smith via e-mail to paul.smith -at- or 08 8394 0005. As the briefings will include a facility tour, the number of participants will be limited, with RSVPs accepted on a first-come first-served basis.